Location information: Barr Lake State Park

Barr Lake State Park | Described as one of the most beautiful and scenic race courses in the Denver metro area.

Event Information from Running Guru

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Sean May Information

This is a fundraising event benefiting the 17th Judicial District’s Access to Justice Committee and the Sean May Memorial Fund. The Sean May Memorial Fund was established in honor of Sean May, a Deputy District Attorney from the 17th Judicial District who was slain in his backyard as he returned from work on August 27, 2008. The Access to Justice Committee is a non-profit volunteer organization that develops, coordinates, and promotes initiatives to expand access to and enhance the quality of justice in Adams and Broomfield counties.

Sponsor Information

Information on our sponors and support organizations.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mark your calendars!

The 2012 SMMR/W is May 12, 2012

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Monday, February 21, 2011

A Day at The Sean May Memorial Run

A Day at the Run (The First Annual Sean May Run)  By David Dennis

When the idea for the Sean May Run was first brought to the attention of the Wellness
Committee, we jumped on the bandwagon. What could be better?

A five or fifteen kilometer walk or run would be great exercise for anyone participating. Even volunteering would be a great and healthy activity.

A day at Barr Lakes is always pleasant. And to top it all off, the event was to raise money for two very worthy causes: The Access to Justice Committee and the Family of Sean May.

The event was scheduled for May 16, 2009. Having been an active participant in the Crabtree Challenge, I thought it was my duty to participate as a walker. Those who signed up could choose to run the 5K or walk it. The more ambitious could choose to run
the 15K course. I, personally, chose to walk 5K. And of course, as a photographer, I took
my camera along so that I could document the historic (first annual) event.

It turned out to be a windy rainy morning on the day of the race. One has to overcome
weather sometimes. First thing that I noticed as I exited I-76 was that there were signs
everywhere directing people to the courthouse parking lot where the sheriff’s department
had set up shuttles to take people to the park. There was very little waiting, and while the
vans were a little uncomfortable (and one definitely felt like a prisoner sitting in the van
with the bars and cages) it was pleasant talking to other people in the van and getting to
know them. I met two people who were there as volunteers, and a young woman who
planned to run the 15K. She was quite nervous though, because she was told there were
snakes in the park. I assured her that I had hiked or biked at Barr Lake nearly a dozen
times without encountering any. That reassured her. (I heard later that some people had
seen a snake on the 15K run, but I never knew if she was one of them.)

When we got to the park, there were volunteers everywhere to make things easier. There
were volunteers for parking, volunteers for registering, volunteers for passing out water,
volunteers to give directions, and even volunteers to help the volunteers. (By the way, the
event planning committee asked me to say thanks to all that volunteered, and this seems
like a good place to do so. Thanks, Volunteers.) There were also volunteers manning
water and first aid stations along the route.

Registration was very cold and windy, but mercifully fast thanks to all the good help.
Once we got to the lake shore and were preparing for the events, we found that there was
considerably less wind, and many people had to shed their coats and sweaters.

All the more serious athletes gathered to start the first race of the day, the 15K. Their
route was to run completely around the entire lake. After they left we got ready for the
5K race. Among us there were old men and women, babies in carriages and everyone
in between, even some judges and lawyers. Some of the babies may have been aspiring
judges and lawyers, but I did not have a chance to interview them.

Our route was to walk 2½ K in one direction (the opposite direction the 15K people had
gone) and then turn around and come back. I got caught up in photographing runners and
fishermen along the lake, and ended up at the very back of the pack. That gave me the
opportunity to see those in front as they headed toward the finish. One of those in front
pushed a baby carriage. I wonder if they gave awards for first baby.
Then a little later, the fastest of the 15K runners began to come by. It was like having a
front row seat for an Olympic event, and I took more pictures. Halfway through the race I
passed a water stand and first aid station and turned the corner to return. A little way after
that, I was passed by two little girls (about five years old). They ran past me like I was
standing still. Boy did I feel old. Eventually, they tuckered out and I passed them again.

As I approached the finish, there were volunteers cheering everyone on as they passed the
finish line, even if they were among the last in. That made me feel good. But I thought I
ought to photograph someone getting that greeting, so while I was taking the picture, the
little girls passed me again and so they beat me. I have to say in my defense though, that
when they passed me the second time, they were in a wagon being pulled by their dad.

After the event we were greeted by more volunteers holding swag bags as rewards. Lots
of cool stuff in there, and I got enough free chap stick to last me a decade.

Then there were prize drawings and presentations. There were some great prizes and
beautiful awards. I didn’t win any, but Magistrate Mole won twice. There’s something
fishy about that. Also, the little girl who was drawing names of winners drew her
mother’s name. There was something fishy about that too. But I guess I shouldn’t wonder
about the fishy stuff because fishing has always been good at Barr Lake.

Then there was a fun run for children. The kindergarten girls that beat me in the 5K
participated, but as the course was a little longer than they expected, they ran out of gas
half way through and barely crossed the finish line. I probably would have done the same
thing. All who participated were given a cool cup.

Anyway, it was a great time. I’m glad it was the first annual event because now I can
look forward to the second one. The event raised more $8000 for the worthy causes. And
nobody was bitten by snakes.

The committee that planned the event included Ellen Alires-Trujillo, Brian Bowen,
Loren Brown, Norman Campbell, Melody Fuller, Alberto Garcia, Michelle Gaschler,
Bernadette Gonzales, Colleen Kent, Janet Lee, Andrea Love, Simon Mole, Dianna
Roybal, Natalie Schlidt, Kyla Stopperan, Melinda Taylor, Mariana Vielma, Jen Wascak,
Dianna Van Voorhees, and Mark Warner. Thanks to all of your for all your hard work.
And thanks again to all the volunteers, who were too numerous to name, but without
whom the event could not have taken place. Thanks to all for a job well done.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sponsors Information

Sean May Information

This is a fundraising event benefiting the 17th Judicial District’s Access to Justice Committee and the Sean May Memorial Fund. The Sean May Memorial Fund was established in honor of Sean May, a Deputy District Attorney from the 17th Judicial District who was slain in his backyard as he returned from work on August 27, 2008. The Access to Justice Committee is a non-profit volunteer organization that develops, coordinates, and promotes initiatives to expand access to and enhance the quality of justice in Adams and Broomfield counties.

Running Guru Information

Running Guru Information is available at: http://runningguru.com/

If you're brand new to running and need some help getting ready for your next event, Running Guru has a simple 3-step process to get you going!

Location Information: Barr Lake State Park

Bicyclists of all ages and abilities, nature hikers and horseback riders enjoy the level 8.8-mile multi-use trail that circles the lake, passing by several wildlife viewing stations and the park’s wildlife refuge. More than 350 species of birds have been spotted in the park. Numerous bald eagles winter at Barr Lake and one pair stays to nest and raise its young every year. Barr Lake’s Nature Center has displays about the park’s wildlife and you can have your questions answered by a naturalist. Visit the Division of Wildflife for more information.

Fishing enthusiasts and boaters, including kayakers and canoeists enjoy the lake’s calm waters: Powerboats are limited to electric trolling or gasoline motors 10 horsepower or less. Channel catfish, small and large-mouth bass, rainbow trout, walleye, bluegill, wiper and tiger muskie are among the species that inhabit the waters of Barr Lake.

Proceeds Information

Proceeds Benefit

· The family of Sean May.

· The Access to Justice pro  grams and activities.

Donations are welcome and can be mailed to
ABBA (Adams Broomfield Bar Association)
Note: May Run.  
P.O. Box 720, Brighton, CO 80601.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

ABBA- Adams Broomfield Bar Association

The Adams/Broomfield Bar Association is the bar association for the Seventeenth Judicial District.  Established to include the bar for both Adams and Broomfield Counties after the expansion of the Seventeenth Judicial District from Adams County to include the newly formed City and County of Broomfield in 2001, the Adams/Broomfield Bar Association has established an identity as a pivotal player in the communities that it serves.

The Adams/Broomfield Bar Association website provides attorney locator services, continuing legal education information, and news pertaining to professional and charitable activities of the organization.  The association and its membership are committed to improving the quality of life in the Adams and Broomfield Counties through philanthropic and pro bono services. 

The Adams/Broomfield Bar Association's Law Day ceremony honoring the ascendency of the rule of law in our nation, is one of the largest in the State of Colorado.  This annual ceremony has honored community service and professional excellence in the legal system by recognizing community volunteers, law enforcement officers, and professional staff for over thirty years.

This site is intended to assist both attorneys and non-attorneys with matters related to legal representation and service to the community.


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